
Wrap That Willy With These Vegan Condoms


Wrap That Willy With These Vegan Condoms


Condoms have such a bad reputation, so it is no wonder that people end up looking for other vegan birth control methods.

But I want to fight for the condoms’ corner. Not only do they provide a sperm barrier inside your vagina, but they also help to protect you from STIs. Not something you’ll see in any other vegan birth control method.

Also, depending on the vegan condom you pick, you may find it makes your sexual intercourse more fun, thanks to ribbed and dotted variations. Many of them also come pre-lubed, and lube is always great.

Just ensure that you trust your partner (or you are a trustworthy partner) so you can feel safe in the knowledge that no ‘condom accidents’ will happen, leaving you to rush for the morning after pill. When used correctly, condoms are 98% effective.

So let’s take a look at the best vegan condom brands that you can trust and enjoy during sexual intercourse.

Most condoms are made using latex which is then dipped in casein, a milk protein, to make the latex softer. Moreover, many of these condoms are tested on animals.

Vegan condoms are made with natural latex (or latex alternatives) and aren’t tested on animals.

Whilst vegan condoms are definitely better for the animals and the planet, they aren’t necessarily better for your health. They are better for your peace of mind though. Meaning you can enjoy sex without harming the animals and the planet.

Yes, all vegan condoms undergo the same rigorous testing to ensure they are safe for market. Making them just as good as non-vegan condoms for STI protection and birth control.

Here are the best vegan condoms

xo! vegan condoms


This bold and bright brand is carbon-neutral, 100% vegan and cruelty-free. They use ethically sourced rubber as part of a sustainable forestry initiative to make their vegan condoms.

They come ready lubricated, but you can add more water-based lube if you fancy. 

What we really love about this company is that these are condoms made by women, for women. Oh and they also supply eco-friendly period care products and write up regular feminist blogs on their website. Go women!

With discreet delivery

vegan condoms by fair square

Fair Squared

These vegan condoms are certified by the Vegan Society, so you can be extra sure that they are suitable for vegans. They are also a carbon neutral company using natural rubber from India.

Their condoms are quite thin and made for sensitive skin. They can be used with water-based lubes.

Fair Squared is also a fair trade company, ensuring everyone receives a fair wage.

With discreet delivery


A very popular condom choice amongst many, Glyde was the OG of organic and vegan condoms.

They are ultra-thin and are made for regular-sized penises. They undergo a ‘double dipping‘ process which allows them to gain strength without gaining thickness.

The best thing about Glyde? They have a great range of flavoured condoms, perfect for fruity oral sex.

With discreet delivery

skyn vegan condom being used


These Skyn condoms are both vegan-friendly and latex-free, making them perfect for anyone who suffers from latex allergies, or anyone who has particularly sensitive skin.

The raised dots on the condom help to increase intensity for women, particularly great for those who need that extra help achieving orgasm.

With discreet delivery

woo woo vegan condoms

Woo Woo

One of the more fun vegan condom companies, but also the most affordable, with packs of 12 condoms coming in at just £9.99 on Ocado.

Our favourite condom of theirs is the Ribs & Dots, which combines two of our favourite features on condoms, with you guessed it, both ribs and dots. Doubling the pleasure for both parties.

Best thing is, you can add them to your basket for your next Ocado shop, saving you on extra delivery fees.

Buy with your next grocery shop

hanx vegan condom


Hanx condoms are a very popular choice amongst vegans because of their clean marketing and stylish imagery. The condoms are also pretty good as well.

They come in ultra-thin, so they aren’t for those looking for a bit more thickness (& reassurance), but they are still very strong. They are also clean scented, meaning they don’t taste like rubber, yuk.

Oh, and these can also be popped into your next Ocado shop. Easy!

Buy with your next grocery shop

Picture of Lucy Johnson

Lucy Johnson

One half of the Vegan Sisters, she is the Founder of SHiDO, a vegan web design studio. She is an avid cook, sharing her recipes on Edible Ethics vegan food blog.

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