
German Phrases for Vegan Travellers (make vegan travel easy!)


German Phrases for Vegan Travellers (make vegan travel easy!)


Make vegan travel easy with our handy phrases for Germany

On the surface, Germany (home of the Bratwurst) doesn’t appear to be very vegan-friendly.

However, step one foot into Berlin, and you’ll soon think otherwise. It is a true mecca for veganism and we believe it is even a contender for ‘vegan capital’ (although we still think London gets the top spot here!)

It has even spread outside of Berlin, so you’ll be able to find vegan options all around the country, in restaurants and supermarkets.

If you are ever feeling uncertain, just use our handy phrases! Either print the illustrations from the gallery above, or copy and paste the written phrases from below.


1. I am vegan
Ich bin Veganer 

2. I do not eat meat, fish, or eggs 
Ich esse kein Fleisch, Fisch oder Eier 

3. I do not consume dairy products 
Ich esse keine Milchprodukte 

4. Sorry, but I don’t eat any animal products (no honey, milk, butter, egg, fish and seafood) 
Sorry, aber ich esse keine Tierprodukte (keinen Honig, keine Milch, keine Butter, keine Eier, und kein Fisch oder Meeresfrüchte) 

5. Excuse me, is there animal fat in this food? 
Entschuldigung, beinhaltet dieses Essen Tierfett? 

6. Please use vegetable oil instead of butter for cooking 
Könnten Sie bitte ein Öl auf pflanzlicher Basis anstatt Butter zum Kochen verwenden?

7. Could you please remove the cheese from this dish for me? 
Könnte ich dieses Gericht bitte ohne Käse bekommen? 

8. Excuse me, do you have any vegan options? 
Entschuldigung, haben Sie irgendwelche veganen Optionen?

9. Excuse me, do you have any plant-based milk? (sữa hạt là sữa từ các loại thực vật)
Entschuldigung, haben sie Milch auf pflanzlicher Basis? 

10. Do you know any vegan restaurants near here?
Kennen Sie irgendwelche veganen Restaurants hier in der Nähe? 

11. Is this product made from animals? (leather, wool, silk, cashmere, and fur)
Hat dieses Produkt irgendwelche tierischen Bestandteile (Leder, Wolle, Seide, Kaschmir, oder Pelz)?



Nomadic writer, scientist, and amateur mycologist working hard to build a global online vegan community | I write stuff for a living. Mainly about vegan things, science, fungi, and travel. Curious? Head over to Alice's Cerebrum to learn more.

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