
The 4-Week Vegan Transition Calendar


The 4-Week Vegan Transition Calendar


Day 1

What are your reasons for transitioning to a vegan diet?

Write them down so you can revisit them if you need an extra boost of motivation.

You can also give this Vegan Calculator a go to see how many animals you will save by going plant-based for 1 month (or more)!

Day 2

It takes two baby, to make a dream come true...just takes two 🎶

Do you know what helped me go vegan? Having Lucy lu to keep me accountable! We went vegan around the same time and she really helped me stay motivated during my Veganuary challenge

Why not ask a friend or family member to try going vegan with you?

By having an accountability buddy, you will be more inclined to stick to the challenge; you will feel compelled to not let yourself or your buddy down.

So go on, challenge a friend…if you think they’re up to it!

Day 3

There are plenty of reasons to give Veganism a try but few can be more compelling than David Attenborough’s call-to-action

“The true tragedy of our time is still unfolding – the loss of biodiversity. The living world is our unique marvel. The natural world is fading”

“We must change our diet. The planet can’t support billions of meat-eaters. If we had a mostly plant-based diet we could increase the yield of the land. We have an urgent need for free land … Nature is our biggest ally.”

Yup, that’s right, today’s task is to watch Netflix and chill.

Already seen it? Watch Game Changers instead!

Here’s the trailer:

Day 4

Today is a good day!

The weekend is here and we’ve got a super easy and tasty vegan recipe for you to try.

Wicked Healthy’s Pulled ‘Pork’ Sandwich

This mushroom-based recipe is deliciously sticky and really simple to make. You’ll love it!

Follow the YouTube link to find out how to cook it

Remember to tag us @vegansistersofficial and use the #vegansisters hashtag to share your cooking creations

Day 5

Did you know...

Orders of vegan takeaways in the UK grew 388% between 2016 and 2018, according to research by the British Takeaway Campaign!

Over the past few years, Lucy and I have seen a HUMONGOUS increase in plant-based offerings on takeaway and restaurant menus. From an entire vegan menu at Pizza Express to Gregg’s vegan sausage rolls and steak bakes, Costa’s vegan smoky ham and cheeze toasties, Wagamama’s vegatsu, and the veggie dippers at McDonald’s, there’s plenty to choose from.

And it’s not just the UK fast food chains that have plant-based options, you may be surprised by how many independent food businesses are popping up across the country and even across the globe!

Today’s vegan transition challenge is to look-up your local vegan takeaway and restaurant offerings. Trust us, this is good to know for those days when you just can’t be pooped to cook.

Day 6

What are your reasons for transitioning to a vegan diet?

Grass-fed beef is low carbon – truth or myth?


‘A lot of research shows grass-fed beef uses more land and produces more – or at best similar – emissions’ to intensively farmed cows

What’s more, according to Joseph Poore from Oxford University, if all the world’s pasture lands were returned to natural vegetation, it would remove greenhouse gases equivalent to about 8 bn tonnes of carbon dioxide per year from the atmosphere!

Read this fantastic article from The Guardian to bust those commonly stated myths and motivate yourself on your vegan transition journey:

Oh, and this will equip you with scientifically-backed responses, ready for that debate you’re bound to have with your Uncle Fred 😉

Day 7

Do vegans need supplements?

A hotly debated subject and one that’s gained a lot of attention in the media recently (we’re looking at you Miley Cyrus)

To avoid joining the list of celebrities who have given up the vegan diet for health reasons, we recommend getting to know your nutrients before you start! You may even want to buy some supplements.


Luckily, there are plenty of supplements designed specifically for vegans, including the all-natural Vegan Health Pack

Here’s your 10% off discount code: VEGANSISTERS10

Looking for a tasty protein powder with all your necessary nutrients packed inside? Try out Form’s Superblend:

In America? We LOVE FutureKind for all things vegan supplements in the US:

Day 8

One of the best things you can do to support your Veganuary (vegan transition) journey is to join a plant-based Facebook group!

Day 9

Have you learnt more about vegan nutrition yet?

We don’t want to keep banging on about it but iodine, B12, and vitamin D are really important!

Changing your diet is a big step but nutrition needn’t be overwhelming.

To help you all succeed on your vegan transition journey, we’ve compiled all our vegan nutrition articles into one handy space.

Day 10

Did you know that a vegan diet can reduce your risk of cancer by 15%?

In fact, there are lots of benefits to a healthy plant-based diet.

Find out how veganism can promote your well-being by reading our article on 5 Veganuary Health Benefits

Day 11

Are you scared you won't be able to give up cheese?

Have no fear, for the Vegan Sisters are here…

With the best vegan alternatives for all of your favourite food and drink!

Check out our ever-growing resource and learn how to fill that gaping hole your bacon sarnie left behind

Day 12

Boy oh boy do we have a special treat for you today!

50% discount for eligible offers at Veecoco: Plant-Based Cooking Academy

It’s time to get those vegan cooking juices flowing so you can make some amazingly tasty meals during your vegan transition journey, and beyond!

In our humble opinion, Veecoco is one of the best online plant-based cooking schools out there. To find out why, check out our video review below.

Try out their 7-DAY FREE TRIAL and use code ALICE at checkout for eligible Veecoco offers!

Day 13

Have you checked out the vegan products at your local supermarket yet?

Go have a wander around the aisles and take a look at what’s on offer, you may be surprised by how much you find!

Day 14

It's time to store a few vegan recipes up your sleeve!

There are TONS of online plant-based recipe blogs, as well as Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube accounts to follow.

For the real food connoisseurs, we recommend the following cookbooks: Ottolenghi’s Flavour, Meera Sodha’s East and Fresh India, Anna Jone’s Modern Cook’s Year, The World Food Cafe Vegetarian Bible, and BISH BASH BOSH (probably the easiest in terms of skill level required but still darn tasty!).

Day 15

Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Now that you’re aware of the supermarket offerings, today’s task is to create a shopping list for the next few weeks (and maybe even order/go and buy it).

If you’re truly nerdy, like me, then you could play around with this funky carbon calculator to calculate the greenhouse gas footprint of your menu offerings!

Day 16

Practice makes perfect

So why not trial a fully meatless day this week to prepare yourself for your full transition?

And who better to help you than the McCartneys? They’ve been championing Meat Free Mondays for 11 years!

Day 17

Educate yourself and earn your loved ones support

Changing your dietary habits can be challenging, no matter how strong your conviction.

Now factor in the people around you and things get even more complicated, especially if they have entirely different diets and beliefs.

According to research, family support is an essential factor for successfully maintaining dietary changes.

Therefore, to really succeed in Veganuary, it’s important to communicate with your loved ones to foster their moral support.

One thing you will learn as a new vegan is that you will get bombarded with frustrating comments, such as ‘plants have feelings too’ and ‘soy is destroying the rainforest’.

Learning how to deal with your non-vegan family and friends is an art form and something even us 5+ year vegans still struggle to do on occasion.

To prepare yourself for the onslaught of vegan jokes and attacks on your choices, we recommend listening to Earthling Ed’s podcast. Here’s a good one to start you off:

Day 18

It's always good to be prepared.

Why not bulk cook a vegan meal, such as Anna Jone’s All-Pleasing Chilli?

You can make large batches of this meal and freeze some of it for emergencies, like New Year’s Day when you can’t be bothered to cook.

Anna’s even listed 8 different ways you can eat her chilli, including wrapped in tortillas, toasted in a vegan cheese sandwich, or slathered on top of nachos.

Day 19

Podcasts are a great way to stay educated and informed about the latest vegan news and events.

We’ve already mentioned Earthling Ed’s Disclosure Podcast but there are plenty more to choose from!

From plant-based nutrition to current events, ethics and morality, vegan health and fitness, and even business and entrepreneurship, there’s sure to be a podcast you’ll want to listen to.

Check out our Top Ten Vegan Podcasts: 

Day 20

What's your favourite non-vegan food?

Chicken curry? Bolognese? Carbonara? Ok, great! Now try to veganise it.

We believe in you!

Here’s a delicious example of a veganised recipe: 

Day 21

Wine has to be vegan, it’s just grapes and yeast right?

If you’ve done your research into veganism, you probably know that unfortunately, that’s not the case.

So check out our 10 Countries 10 Vegan Winemakers article so you can stock up on your vegan wine!

Day 22

Yay another Netflix and chill task!

We challenge you to watch Cowspiracy.

I (Alice) turned vegan after watching this eye-opening documentary.

It really motivated me to complete the challenge and I hope it will do the same for you.

Day 23

Remember what we said about communicating with your loved ones?

Well, it’s time to put your preparation to the test and talk to a friend/family member about your decision to transition to veganism.

You never know, you might just get another motivation buddy to join you for the challenge!

Day 24

We keep rabbiting on about food but one thing you'll realise after going vegan is that life quickly starts to revolve around it.

This is definitely not a bad thing!

Most vegans we know have discovered so many new flavours and recipes since going plant-based.

We want to take you with us on this journey of food discovery, so here’s a link to Lucy’s recipe blog: 

And here’s our mum’s (she is seriously the best vegan cook we know): 

Day 25

Here are some cute escapee piglets

No words needed here, just watch this for further motivation to go vegan!

Day 26

Did we mention that many of your favourite snacks are accidentally vegan?

In many countries, vegans can eat Oreos, Cap’n Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch, Lay’s BBQ Potato Chips, Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup, and even Skittles to their heart’s delight!

Always check the ingredients, but you may be surprised by just how many products you can still eat.

Here’s a great guide on how to read labels: 

Day 27

Treat yourself to some vegan cheese to try!

And we’re not talking about VioLife and other supermarket cheeses, they’re no way near as good as the real deal.

Artisanal vegan cheese is where it’s at.

Check out Tyne Chease, Food by Sumear, KindaCo, I AM NUT OK, Strictly Roots, and other delicious vegan cheese brands.

Or make your own vegan cheese!

Day 28

Try out a vegan ready meal

Gone are the days where you’d have to cook a meal from scratch in order to eat vegan.

We are now spoilt for choice. Here are 7 companies in the UK specialising in 100% vegan ready meals (all with recyclable packaging):



Nomadic writer, scientist, and amateur mycologist working hard to build a global online vegan community | I write stuff for a living. Mainly about vegan things, science, fungi, and travel. Curious? Head over to Alice's Cerebrum to learn more.

A penny for your thoughts

I may receive a commission if you make a purchase through some of the links on this page (see full disclaimer here). But don’t worry, I’ll use the money to fund more useful articles and resources, and of course, to buy more vegan snacks to keep me fueled up. I promise not to blow it all on vegan ice cream…I’ll save some for a cocktail or two. A girl’s gotta eat (and drink)!

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